
The CloudNito dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your AWS account usage, costs, and optimization opportunities. This user guide will walk you through the various sections of the dashboard, highlighting key features and functionalities to help you manage and optimize your cloud expenses effectively.

1. Top Navigation and Account Information

Account Details

At the top of the dashboard, you will find essential account information, including.

2. Recommendations and Savings Overview


This section provides recommendations for optimizing your AWS resources to reduce costs.

3. Spend Summary

Spend Summary Section

This section provides an overview of your total cloud spend and highlights key metrics.

Time Range Filters

You can filter the data displayed in the Spend Summary by selecting a specific time range.

Spend Summary Graph

The graph visualizes your total cloud spend over the selected time range. You can toggle between different services to see their individual contributions to the total spend.

4. Cost Analysis and Insights

Forecasting Cost

The Forecasting Cost section provides predictions for your future AWS expenses based on current usage patterns.

Unused Resources

This section highlights resources that are underutilized or not being used, providing opportunities for cost savings by terminating or resizing these resources.

Max Cost by Region

The Max Cost by Region section shows the regions with the highest AWS costs, helping you identify areas where you can focus your optimization efforts.

Cost Usage by Services

This section breaks down your costs by AWS service, showing how much each service contributes to your total spend. The data is presented in a bar chart format, making it easy to identify high-cost services.

5. Risk Analysis and Recommendations

Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis section categorizes your AWS resources based on their risk levels (High, Medium, Low) and provides specific recommendations for optimization.

6. Anomalies Detection Report

Anomaly Detection

This section lists detected anomalies in your AWS spending.

7. Integrations

Integrations Section

CloudNito integrates with popular collaboration and communication tools to enhance your cost management workflow.

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Slack


The CloudNito dashboard is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing your AWS costs. By leveraging AI-powered insights and automated actions, CloudNito helps you reduce unnecessary expenses, improve resource utilization, and gain better visibility into your cloud spending. Use this guide to navigate the dashboard effectively and take full advantage of the features and recommendations offered by CloudNito.

Last updated