Cost & Usage Explorer


The Cost & Usage Explorer is a powerful tool designed to provide detailed insights into your AWS spending patterns. This guide will walk you through the various features and functionalities of the Cost & Usage Explorer, helping you leverage this tool to optimize your cloud expenses.

Overview of the Cost & Usage Explorer

The Cost & Usage Explorer allows you to:

  • Access detailed cost and usage data - Gain a comprehensive view of your AWS spending, with detailed insights into cost and usage across all your services and resources.

  • Group data by service, usage type, and region - Organize and categorize your spending data by service, usage type, or geographic region to pinpoint cost drivers and optimize resource allocation.

  • Analyze spending patterns over time - Examine your AWS costs over selected time periods to identify trends, detect anomalies, and make informed budget and optimization decisions.

By understanding these aspects, you can make informed decisions to manage and reduce your AWS costs effectively.

Last updated